HST Productions

Jazz By The Fire 🔥🔥

featuring Saxophonist Frankie Addison

Thank you for purchasing your ticket(s) to 

HST Productions’

‘Jazz by the Fire’ 

Featuring Saxophonist FRANKIE ADDISON 

w/ Yusef Chisholm, Earl Ivey, Matt Miller, & Jamal Orr


We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you next year at our outdoor Jazz events!!!


Team HST Productions

JennKarenKeris & Helga

Jazz By The Fire 🔥🔥

featuring Saxophonist Frankie Addison

Bring your favorite lawn chair!

YES YES YES … you may bring your coolers and snacks!!

HST Productions is proud to present Jazz by the Fire featuring Saxophonist Frankie Addison

Sunday, October 17th

4-7 pm

at a PRIVATE location in Upper Marlboro, MD

(Revealed the day before the event) 

Bring your favorite lawn chair, your coolers, and your favorite snacks! 

Tickets $25 – https://jazzbythefire.bpt.me/

Fried Fish & Potato Salad Dinners by “Home Kooked” ($10.00/ea)

You may bring as many guests as you like by purchasing tickets via BrownPaperTickets.com. Once you’ve made your purchase(s), you will receive and email with the exact location of the event.  If you purchase more that 1 ticket, please be sure to include the names of all your guests.